Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Term: Enlightenment
Method: Contrast

The Enlightenment was a period of contrasts. OK, pretty vague eh? Even now we think of the Enlightenment as one of two things: 1) that period in history when we got serious about science and human rights or 2) those weirdo new agers who eat granola, hug trees, bleed out of their hearts, practice Eastern styles of exercise . . . (hmmm, since when did I become a new ager?). Way back when "Enlightenment" was set in contrast to the "Dark Ages." That's right - one group could see and the other was blind. But I'm beginning to think that the group that could see wasn't much better than Plato's caveman who only sees shadows of a performance he can never understand (kind of like listening to Chinese when the only word you know is tofu). You see, those Enlightenment heavies (I too can contrast), imposed upon the world a new order of things complete with penitentiaries, mandatory education, and opiates for the people like McDonald's and sitting in front of a TV. Thus the Enlightenment really is about making people heavy - the heavier they are, the harder it will be for them to fight back against that order of things. Thus, Enlightenment, I rename thee Enfattenment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem rather bitter (pun intended), even when you are talking about junk food. Have you tried yogurts with more active cultures? This is such cheesy response, but you have a point.

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"since when did I become a new ager?" 15 years ago? 20? You've had plenty of practice bleeding out of your heart (c'mon you know you love it) even if I've never caught you hugging a tree...it's the only way you could take a perfectly nice intellectual movement and rechristen it the Enfattenment.

take care,


PS Mandatory education is now on par with penitentiaries and McDonalds? Could just be the lack of coffee, but I like my unwashed masses literate, thank you.

7:05 AM  
Blogger grim said...

Wait a minute... Are you one of those boy's club officemate people that I always see around Corn U? Can I join your club? Can I join? Pretty please? I wanna talk about the Enlightenment and fat people, and stuff, too! Pretty, pretty please?!

8:50 PM  

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