Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Here Is a List of Things that Troubled Me as of Late

The bumper sticker that read, “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of anyone who threatens it.” Really, doesn’t being bellicose threaten life and liberty more than anything else?

Realizing that I may want to visit my family more than they want to see me—oh the reversals of teen angst.

Finally being comfortable with my recent desire to see vapid movies like X-Men 3 because “I am tired.” Really, how tired can I be if I am willing to submit myself as more commercial fodder for over budgeted studio fare? Answer: maybe more than my pride will admit.

Entertaining the idea that I should interview the head of the campus Catholic Church about various topics because I am curious to know how the institution functions; I used to be so hostile to organized religion, or at least pretended I was.

Not being able to swim outside this summer at the campus pool—so much for exercising and tanning for the price of my student fees.

Worrying about finances to the point that I have not bought two great books from Amazon. This sucks!

Feeling giddy at the thought of some unpleasant individuals leaving the graduate program when I had hoped I would rise above these petty pleasures.

Entertaining frequent thoughts about driving an expensive sports car around for no other reason than the sheer pleasure of doing it, even when gas is horribly expensive and nothing good for the environment will come of it. For total authenticity, should I purchase a thick gold chain, big 70s era sunglasses, and a Hawaiian shirt too?

Related to the car idea, hearing the words “midlife crisis” falling from my mouth a bit too often.

Openly arguing with a faculty member from another department, at a crowded bar no less. The impolitic nature of this faux pas is just too great.

Just learning that the Senate passed an English only bill (I am really out of touch). Speaking of which, will the indignities heaped upon the indigenous population ever cease?

Becoming too comfortable in my lethargy; this list being a clear example.


Blogger Sarah said...

hey sorry what post do you want me to read again??

6:39 PM  
Blogger Thesaurus said...

The one just below entitled "How to Inhabit/Inhibit Democracy?"

11:46 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

ok I answered :)

1:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's wrong with you people! You think that because you're a little smarter and a little more eloquent and a little more discriminating than pretty much everyone else, it means you're not human? I know I'm going to catch hell for this but I gotta say it: petty pleasures, vapid entertainment, lethargy, this is, occasionally, a part of living, and feeling bad about it just means that aside from proving that what's really important is staying above everyone who gives in to these things, also shows how you're stupidly making yourself miserable about things that are both inevitable and natural. Yes, your dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and your desire to balk at all those pesky human organizations like family and religion are admirable, but dammit, get over it.

hehem, sorry, that might not all have been directed at you...

I vote yes on the Hawaiian shirt...


6:58 AM  
Blogger Thesaurus said...

Dear J:

What in the world is this all about? Not only do you seem to have missed the point of my post—including the humor, the self-deprecation, and the silly bitterness—you seem to be accusing me of holding myself above all others. That was not the intent of the piece, which I hoped was obvious. You are welcome to express yourself, but I would prefer that such hostility is warranted. You disappoint me.

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, I like lists but I've always been a bit more "comfortable in my lethargy" than you:) Second, Monsignor Swetland at the Newman Foundation is a really nice and smart man who'd love to discuss the Church with you. Third, is the unpleasant grad student the one I'm thinking of - you'll have to dish to me on this one later. Fourth, I'd pay to see you in a Hawaiian shirt and whatnot.

6:00 PM  
Blogger Banana said...

My favorite bumper sticker moments (re first item on your list) happened side-by-side in traffic. First car: "When the Rapture Comes, This Car Will Be Empty." Second Car: "When The Rapture Comes, Can I Have Your Stuff?"

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

10:20 PM  

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