Sunday, June 04, 2006

Why Protest?

Why protest when our mainstream media refuse to tell us that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died? Mostly it just seems like a few people are dieing here and there. And for those of you who know – is that because you oppose the war or because you hate George Bush? For all those who claim that this war is as bad as Vietnam are you just trying to score points? The answer is yes if you don’t know how many Vietnamese died. And if our leaders are just trying to score rhetorical points by using an argument from analogy, why should we care?

Why protest when we’ve been taught for the past five years that all Arabs are Muslims, all Muslims are Arabs and that all of them (whichever) are evil people who don’t worship our God, who hate democracy, and who seek to destroy America? If hundreds of thousands of them are killing each other, isn’t that a good thing?

Why protest when we don’t have to sacrifice anything? High taxes? Forget about it. Remember when the President asked Americans to buy more stuff? Now that’s my kind of sacrifice. As for those American men and women who are dying “for their country.” Well, like are they like real Americans, you know? Like, you know, they’re mostly from the inner city or poor, small towns. There not like me or anything. So why care?

Why protest when the government has so chilled free speech that we all live in fear of our phone records being kept, our calls listened to, our photographs taken at protests. Hey, I’ll be honest, after hearing about one friend held at gun point by the police because she is too good a being a public defender, and two friends trashed in published articles by corporate goons because of their animal rights activism, why protest? And lets be real here, when the FBI lists animal rights activists as the number 1 terror threat in the nation, the average person better stay in line. Because you know those peace-loving, pain & death-hating animal rights activists are a real threat . . . to the military industrial complex.

Why protest when there are no leaders? Every politician I know wants to kiss my ass as if it’s all about me. And if it’s all about me, and something doesn’t matter to me, then all that stuff I don’t care about is like a tree falling in the woods.

And finally, why protest when everyone is so cynical?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

12:39 PM  

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